
Showing posts from November, 2020

Blog 9

      I began my college experience 100% online. At first, this was very difficult for me. I was very used to a strict schedule. I tried to sign up for all synchronous classes so I had a strict schedule, but most of my classes ended up being asynchronous. Since the start of the school year, I have learned how to better manage my time and make my own schedule that works best for me. As much as I didn't like all of my classes being online, it was a blessing in  disguise. My grandma has been very sick and in the hospital, so I was able to go home and visit a lot with her, and if my classes were in person I would not have been able to spend that time with her. When I am a teacher, I will try to help my students as much as possible with any technical difficulties that they have, and I will also try to find many online resources that will help them navigate the course.     Open Education Resources(OER) are very helpful resources for teachers and students that are free of charge. It allow