
Showing posts from September, 2020

Blog 4

  When I was looking at the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA I chose to look at the 5th grade standards. The standard I chose was LAFS.5.W.2.6 which goal is for students to be able to use the internet and technology with minimum help from adults and to show keyboard skills. It also wants the student to be able to complete a two page writing in one sitting. I feel prepared to teach this to my future students with my current skill set because I have a lot of experience with writing papers online and completing them in a timely manner. I believe I would be able to show them helpful websites where it would help them with their keyboard skills. I also feel unprepared for this standard because I think it is going to be difficult for students in fifth grade to stay focused and complete a two paged paper in one sitting.    I chose the fifth-grade social studies instructional resources. The resource that was provided was 13 different lesson plans. One resource that stuck ...

Image Attribution

"Classroom"   by  James F Clay  is licensed under  CC BY-NC 2.0

Blog Post 3

      Copyright is when someone has the rights to a specific document, video, or song, and are in charge of whether or not their work can be used or distributed to others. Fair use is when someone is allowed to use or copy someone  else's copyrighted work for educational purposes. In the future, when I am a teacher, I will mostly come up with my own instruction material to avoid any problems with copyright. If I have to use someone else's material I will follow all of the copyright and fair use rules. I will have my students always cite where they retrieved their information and stress the importance of copyright and plagiarism.      Academic dishonesty is a major problem in most schools. I think it is important that students are educated about academic dishonesty at a young age. If the students are taught at a young age then they will hopefully be more likely to follow the rules and not be tempted to cheat. Cyberbullying is another major problem ...

Blog Post 2

   Throughout my K-12 years, my schools did not require us to use MS Word. We were allowed to choose whatever software we wanted. I started off using MS Word in elementary school, but by about 7th grade I started to use Google Docs. I used Google Docs first because it was easier on a Mac computer. I also used it because it was easier to work on group projects because everyone in your group could be on the same document at once. In my opinion, it is also easier to save the documents on your computer.    I believe that ISTE Standards for Educators are very important. One standard that I think is most important, is the standard of being a leader. A teacher must be a good leader or someone who inspires others to do their best, and aide them when they are struggling. I also think that being a learner is a very important standard. Teachers need to learn or make changes based on experiences so that they can improve their classroom as much as possible. Teachers can learn fro...

Blog Post 1

   Hello! My name is Shelby. I am from a small town in the panhandle of Florida. I am a current Freshman at Florida State University and am majoring in elementary education. I plan on earning my master's degree in elementary education and becoming a teacher. I enjoy hanging out with friends, going to the beach, spending time with my family, and spending my free time outside.    I have used technology in classes ever since middle school. My middle and high school used many different types of technology. We had access to chrome books in our English classes to write essays and do research. Any other classes we had computers on wheels (COWS) which allowed us to use computers weekly in our classes to work on projects. We also had iPads in select classes that allowed us to use scholarly apps and websites to learn more about that class.    When it comes to learning I mostly refer to textbooks for information on a specific subject. Throughout high school, we were g...