Blog 4

  When I was looking at the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA I chose to look at the 5th grade standards. The standard I chose was LAFS.5.W.2.6 which goal is for students to be able to use the internet and technology with minimum help from adults and to show keyboard skills. It also wants the student to be able to complete a two page writing in one sitting. I feel prepared to teach this to my future students with my current skill set because I have a lot of experience with writing papers online and completing them in a timely manner. I believe I would be able to show them helpful websites where it would help them with their keyboard skills. I also feel unprepared for this standard because I think it is going to be difficult for students in fifth grade to stay focused and complete a two paged paper in one sitting. 

  I chose the fifth-grade social studies instructional resources. The resource that was provided was 13 different lesson plans. One resource that stuck out to me was the "Where in the World" lesson plan. This lesson plan allows students to learn geography like longitude, latitude, continents, and oceans by labeling them on a map. I think lesson plans like this one are very helpful because it gives different examples of how to teach a specific lesson. I would use this resource in my class if I did not know what to do for a lesson in class so I would then go to the CPALMS website and find a lesson plan. 

  I think that it is important to be a proficient internet searcher as a teacher because you have to find videos to show your students or resources for the class. You want to make sure that you can find all of these resources in a timely manner. I think that I will use google more, but I will also use YouTube. I will use Google to find articles and worksheets, and in the future, I will use YouTube to find videos to show my class. 


  1. Shelby, that "where in the world" lesson plan sounds so interesting! I can see myself as a fifth grader getting so much value from being exposed to this global perspective. Unfortunately I did not have this opportunity but I look forward to applying similar globally minded lesson plans to my stuff in the future.


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