Blog 8

     When working on the web assignment I feel that I learned a lot. When I was first started working on the project I had a lot of trouble. It was very hard for me to navigate the website "Weebly." After some practice on the website, I started to become familiar with the software and was able to navigate it. I learned how to create and design a website, and to add links and pages to my own website. I think that this will be very useful in my future because a website is a simple site that allows students to find multiple resources for their class. Ms. Propps Website

    Diigo is a very interesting website. It is very useful in a class setting because you can share interesting articles, blogs, essays, pictures, etc. I think that it will be very useful in my future class settings for this reason. Students can also annotate and attach a sticky note on articles which is a very neat tool. When I was using Diigo, I had to first learn how to navigate it, but then I learned how to post on Diigo and annotate articles that I posted to the site. 

    I think that teachers staying updated with changes in technology is very important. Teachers can stay updated with technology with professional development exercises. Teachers can also turn to websites like Teacher Cast which gives teachers technology updates. The motto of Teacher Cast is "A Place for Teachers to Help other Teachers." This is very useful because a teacher in California could post a website that has helped them in their classroom, and a teacher from Florida could see their post and start to use the website. 


  1. Shelby, I love your website. It's so organized and aesthetically pleasing. Each page has the same layout and background color, which makes your website look professional. Additionally, everything is lined up perfectly. Again, great job on your website.

  2. Shelby, your background was clean and not over the place. I think the color you chose for your layout works really well with the overall site. It's very pleasing to the eye, and arranged neatly.


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